MetaPulse was founded in Sydney Australia on the 20th of September, 2012 to create a new category of online tool; the Growth Management System (GMS).
This idea for a Growth Management System is where our name came from, because any GMS would help the business owners and their staff MetaPulse a future that they desire to create as a team.
Our focus is the success and growth of our customers. When asked why he has not taken MetaPulse down the VC / fundraising path, Mikel answered:
When we focus on the prosperity of our customers, our prosperity takes care of itself.
Since launch, MetaPulse has become a truly unique product, helping teams from around the world Know How to Grow™ and achieve their goals.
We are here to help you achieve your business goals.
他創建 MetaPulse 是因為他需要一個系統來發展自己的業務,並意識到他有能力並渴望建立世界上第一個成長管理系統 (GMS) 來幫助世界各地的公司做同樣的事情。
Ryan 來自俄勒岡州南部,自 2005 年以來一直與 Rails 合作。他對教學充滿熱情,這促使他創建了 - 一系列截屏視頻,幫助許多開發人員站穩腳跟並了解 Ruby on Rails 的魔力。 2013 年,他暫停了 Web 開發,但於 2017 年重新進入該領域,在 reinteractive 工作。後來,他轉而擔任 MetaPulse 團隊的首席開發人員。
當他不編碼時,Ryan 喜歡與家人和朋友一起彈鋼琴、打保齡球和棋盤遊戲。
Nimrod 是一位墨爾本設計師和開發商,在 IT 行業擁有 20 年經驗。他自學成才,汲取廣泛的實務經驗,並努力透過設計的實際應用來提升經驗。 Nim 對以用戶為中心的設計的好奇心不僅限於技術,還擴展到從 bupboard 手柄設計到城市規劃的各個方面。
Celebrating over two decades in the IT industry, Oliver is known by his competence, fast service delivery and unwavering customer satisfaction. With a track record of exceeding expectations, he is an example of excellence in the customer support arena.
When he’s not working, he is actively involved in helping non-profit organizations dedicated to restoring human rights.
Annie is an experienced Business Management Professional with a deeply rooted passion in innovations and investigating market opportunities – identifying every party’s needs, developing strategic approaches and establishing organizational mechanisms to assist business growth and expansion. Her service and experience bring immediate value to the clients. She enjoys helping people find their value and unleash their potential to achieve their success.
She is enthusiastic about traveling and experiencing new things with love to exemplify aesthetic style in life.
100 Pine St., Suite 1250
San Francisco CA 94111